Thursday, 9 November 2017

Reading Term 4

This is where I am on the Reading Pathway in Term 4 Week 4 

Here are my Learning Goals 

Thursday, 26 October 2017

Writing - Sun Safety

In week one of term 4 we reminded ourselves about sun safety! We talked about all the things we need to remember to do to best sun safe.

At the end of the week we published our writing on lined paper and some of us presented our writing at Friday Whānau Hui.

We are learning to publish our writing

Success Criteria:
- Keep our letters sitting on the line
- Leave spaces between words
- Try and remember our 'Casey Caterpillar' sayings so our letters are the right way round

Monday, 23 October 2017

Strand - Shape Term 4

WALT sort 2D shapes based on similar features

Success Criteria
  • is able to sort shapes into groups based on similar features e.g. colour, shape, number of sides/corners
  • can explain why/how they have sorted their shapes into groups

"Well done Adele! You have grouped your shapes by putting all the same colours together and ordering shapes from smallest to largest"

Thursday, 28 September 2017

Integrated Topic Term 3

I am learning about different staff within the school and what they do

Success Criteria:
  • Act out a scenario within the school
  • Talk about how the characters within the role play might feel 
  • Talk about how we can show empathy towards them

Tuesday, 19 September 2017

Gymnastics Term 3

Learning Intention
We are learning to create and perform a sequence which links two shapes through rolling, travelling or jumping.

Success Criteria: I can....
Move into spaces effectively
Hold 1, 2, 3 different balances for 3 seconds
Balance in 2, 3, 4 different positions
Name 1, 2, different shapes

Here is Adele performing a...

Tuck shape with a buddy

A pike shape

and a stretch shape standing up tall!

A straddle shape in the air!

"Well done Adele. You have done really well at performing individual shapes and were able to put shapes in a sequence with a buddy." - Miss Nichols

Thursday, 14 September 2017

Dance term 2

Hub 1 loved to learn the tango and some hip hop moves through the school dance course. Below you can see how dance fits into our New Zealand Curriculum under the arts.

Music Term 3

WALT sing Te Reo Māori waiata with actions

Friday, 8 September 2017

Art Term 3

"Well done Adele, you can feel very proud about your artwork and how the koru's stand for your family. You put so much work into this and it looks amazing." - Miss Nichols

Tuesday, 29 August 2017

Reading Term 3

WALT: ask and answer questions about the books we read

"Well done Adele! You contributed to our group discussion and asked some thoughtful questions" - Miss Pickering

Thursday, 17 August 2017

Writing Term 3

We have been doing the Quick 60 Programme. This week we read the Big Book “Miss Monkey’s Clever Classroom”

We were learning to re-read our writing to check it makes sense.

We wrote a story about our favourite part in the story.

"Well done Adele! You have written 3 sentences. Your next step is to make sure you start sentences with different words rather than 'and'"

Friday, 5 May 2017

CARE Values Term 2

I am learning to show my Oaklands School CARE value of Active Thinking for the cloakroom and toilets. 

The 'T' sign lets the teachers know that I am going to the toilet so they know where I am.